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Humane Society of Northeast Iowa

Vision & Mission

We envision a world where people and animals thrive together.

We work with partners and individuals to provide accessible, affordable solutions for people and animals in the communities we serve.


HSNEI Operations Organizational Chart


Board of Directors

The primary responsibility of the board of directors is  governance and organizational welfare. The board is responsible for the ultimate direction of the organization.

Board members make decisions by consensus (usually majority vote of a quorum) at official meetings or by unanimous written consent.

The bylaws outline the specifics of roles, responsibilities, and procedures.

The HSNEI Board is responsible for:

  • Establishing and maintaining the vision, mission, strategy, and goals

  • Ensuring financial stability and sustainability

  • Ensuring HSNEI operates in compliance with legal and ethical standards

  • Hiring the Executive Director (ED) and maintaining a productive working relationship with the ED for the advancement of HSNEI's vision and mission

The Strongest Board of Directors is a Group of Individual Thinkers Who Work Well Together to Achieve a Set of Shared Goals

Key: A nurturing environment for board members

A strong board is one of HSNEI’s greatest assets for advancing its mission.

Bringing together the right blend of skills, ages, demographics, and life experiences can make all the difference between a good board and a great board.

For this model to work effectively, each individual needs to be committed to the mission and to working together to find the best solutions. Although the responsibilities of each board member will vary dependent on level of experience and other factors, each board member will have assigned tasks as a result of discussion and decisions made at the monthly board meetings.

Each individual’s responsibilities will also depend on his/her/their specific experiences and skill set--an effective nonprofit board focuses on utilizing strengths, recognizing that there are certain less-desirable tasks that must be done. Some roles, like the treasurer, have particular duties that no other board member shares. With each board member fulfilling assigned tasks in a timely fashion it is somewhat like an orchestra--the parts of each member impact the composition of the whole. Beautiful, meaningful music requires that each person faithfully plays their part in synchronicity with the other members.

What We Vaule in Our Board Members


HSNEI follows the community services model, which requires network building to effectively meet the needs of residents in our service area.

It is important to have involvement with and/or experiences in the Animal Welfare /Shelter/Veterinary industries, 501(c)3 / philanthropy, and/or strong ties within HSNEI's 5-county service area. These experiences contribute to HSNEI's mission, development, and future connections and will also provide insights relevant to HSNEI.

Sufficient Time

First, it is important to be aware of and knowledgeable about HSNEI's events and activities. Being an HSNEI board member takes time each month. We expect a reasonable amount of your time and a willingness to be available when possible as needs arise. As a board member, you can expect a time commitment on average of 8-12 hours each month. You will attend monthly board and committee meetings (2-3 hrs) and help with needs at the adoption center, events, and programs (6-9 hrs). Sharing your time helps enhance HSNEI's positioning and public standing.

Awareness of Financial Opportunities

A wise use of available dollars is always a need in nonprofit organizations. Solid financial thinking enables board members to review multiple programs and projects and to evaluate their importance and costs, thereby determining the best use of funds to accomplish the greatest value for HSNEI.

Passion for the Mission

Each board member must have a strong desire to work together with fellow board members to further HSNEI’s mission. The mission is at the heart of who we are and why we do what we do. We expect a genuine passion for the work we do, and each board member's ability and willingness to participate amplifies HSNEI's forward momentum.

Unique Strengths, Interests, Expertise

A wide variety of perspectives is important for a well-rounded board. Unique individuals all focusing on the same goals make our board more successful. We look for board members with unique interests, strengths, and experiences so we can explore more possibilities and make well-thought out and deliberate decisions. This expands our capability to identify and capitalize on opportunities. Sharing your talents and skills is a huge value-add to HSNEI.

Dogs with trainer

Board Structure & Functions


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Standard Nonprofit
Board of Directors Organizational


Board Members &

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HSNEI board member terms are 3 years and intentionally staggered for smoother transitions. Each board member serves 3 years and is replaced or re-elected at the end of the term.

Some board members have additional roles as officers. Officers are elected at annual board meetings. Typically, there are either 3 or 4 officers: president, vice president (optional), secretary, and treasurer. The officers each perform a role in monthly, annual, and special meetings. One individual may hold two separate offices, with the exception that the President cannot also serve as the Secretary.


  • Primary source for governance and direction

  • Leads board meetings

  • Supervises all board business and affairs

Vice-President (optional)

  • Fulfills President responsibilities in the President's absent.

* Optional, but recommended for a more resilient board


  • Maintains (records and archives) meeting minutes for all types of board interactions (a record of discussions and votes)

  • Keeps track of HSNEI activities to ensure all actions comply with HSNEI bylaws

  • Keeps board members’ contact information up-to-date and sends reminders to board members about meetings and events


  • Responsible for HSNEI financial records and reports

  • Maintains or reviews/approves HSNEI books

  • Produces meaningful reports on current state, risks, and opportunities

  • Responsible to keep (or review/approve) records of receipts and disbursements

  • Usually a signatory on all bank accounts (1 of 2-3 signatories)

  • The primary point of financial accountability

Committees provide a venue for accomplishing specific work outside of board meetings. The board is responsible for all committee actions. Committee authority and duties are specific and assigned by the bylaws or the board. Committee members do not have the board’s fiduciary authority. Committee members may be comprised of all board members or a mix of board and non-board members. The board determines the type, number, and purpose of board committees. Some of the more commonly used nonprofit committees are included in the Nonprofit Board of Directors Organizational Chart above.

The executive committee is particularly important, typically comprised of the board officers, board chair (if different than the president), and the executive director. Executive committees were developed to help boards be more agile and to prioritize the most important issues. This committee is the only committee that has the full power and authority of the whole board.




Annual, Monthly, & Special
Board Meetings

Board meetings provide a forum for all board members to meet where they can discuss situations and make well-thought-out decisions. These decisions guide the organization and determine its future. In board meetings, the board of directors discuss and vote on issues that are important to HSNEI.

There are typically 3 types of meetings: annual, monthly, and special.

The annual meeting is important to evaluate organization position and operations performance. It is also a time to elect officers and board members as required. For best results, all board members should attend.

The board of directors holds monthly meetings to monitor and govern ongoing work efforts and to make decisions that place HSNEI in its most favorable position.

Special meetings are called when there is an urgent matter that cannot wait until the next monthly meeting. Special meetings can be called by the chair, president, vice president, secretary, or any 2 board members with proper notice (usually public notice at least 4 days before the meeting).

Fiduciary Duty

And one last thing: it is important to familiarize yourself with the nonprofit fiduciary duties. Individuals in positions of responsibility and authority in the governance of a nonprofit owe fiduciary duties to the organization, specifically the duties of care, loyalty and obedience. HSNEI Board Members are required to act reasonably, prudently, and in the best interests of the organization; to avoid negligence and fraud; and to avoid conflicts of interest. Below is a more specific interpretation of each duty.


Duty of Care

Do everything you reasonably can to help further HSNEI’s mission. Commit to the good of the organization and uphold promises and obligations. This duty is broad, requiring ordinary and reasonable care in the performance of duties, exhibiting honesty and good faith. You are expected to do what you believe to be in HSNEI's best interests, including reasonable inquiry and undertaking actions with due care and in good faith, including consistently attending board meetings, fully engaging with committees and  duties, maintaining clear, effective communication with board members and the executive director, and being motivated and committed to fulfilling HSNEI’s purpose.


Duty of Loyalty

Put HSNEI’s best interests ahead of your personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the board. This requires undivided allegiance to HSNEI when making decisions that affect HSNEI. Fully disclose all potential conflicts of interest and  recuse yourself from deliberation and voting when required. Pervasive and continuing conflicts (like serving on a competing nonprofit board while holding an officer role) may require resignation from the leadership role or from the conflicting nonprofit. You should also be an active champion of HSNEI's values, identity, and mission in addition to its communities and initiatives.


Duty of Obedience

Operate within  HSNEI guidelines. Act in accordance with HSNEI's articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, and other governing documents--including the vision, mission, and purpose--plus applicable laws and regulations. Board leadership has a responsibility to provide every board member with a copy of the rules and regulations within which HSNEI must operate, and every board member has a responsibility to understand and respect those rules and regulations.

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